www.uhy.geUHY LLC, with a team of 30, is based in Tbilisi, Georgia and was established in 2010. The firm provides a full suite of services including audit, tax, bookkeeping, accounting, management consultancy, and legal services to a diverse portfolio of local and international clients from Georgia’s main industry sectors; energy, construction, transportation, hospitality, and retail.
Since 2018, our firm has become a member of UHY International, an International network of independent firms of accountants, auditors, tax advisors, and business consultants.
The international network supports our firm in delivering high-quality professional services for our clients in Georgia as well as overseas.
UHY LLC, with a team of 30, is based in Tbilisi, Georgia and was established in 2010. The firm provides a full suite of services including audit, tax, bookkeeping, accounting, management consultancy, and legal services to a diverse portfolio of local and international clients from Georgia’s main industry sectors; energy, construction, transportation, hospitality, and retail.
Since 2018, our firm has become a member of UHY International, an International network of independent fi...