04 თებ - 13 თებ
HR დირექტორი
- სრული განაკვეთი
- ბაკალავრი
- გამოცდილება აუცილებელია
- ინგლისური,რუსული
HH Recruitment (www.HH.ge) is announcing a vacancy on the position of HR Director for one of the international companies in Batumi.
Main responsibilities
- Organize and monitor personnel records management (formation of organizational structure, staff schedule, vacation schedule, development of contracts and job descriptions, etc.);
- Ensure effective labor productivity, build a system of balanced work schedule for the company’s employees;
- Ensure timely recruitment of necessary specialists (creation of HR-brand, improvement of onboarding procedures);
- Establish a succession system (identification of successors, assistance in career development, analysis of the need to invest in personnel)
- Create an effective training system in cooperation with the SGS Caspian University team (organization of internal/external training, selection and conclusion of contracts with external training centers, selection of training courses and seminars, development of handouts, creation of a knowledge base, etc.);
- Work with employee motivation (financial and non-financial incentives, etc.);
- Optimize business processes (automation of HR processes, protection from “irreplaceable” employees and prevention of “star sickness”, optimization of vertical and horizontal information sharing);
- Budgeting (planning of payroll, budget for recruitment, training, adaptation and development of personnel);
- Create comfortable working conditions in the company (favorable microclimate in the team, corporate ideology which will help to increase the efficiency of personnel work without additional financial investments).
Basic Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree in psychology, law, management or business administration;
- Minimum 10 years overall experience, from 2-5 managerial position as a HR Manager, Head of HR, HR Director;
- Experience with Georgian labor law;
- knowledge of modern HR IT applications and digital technologies;
- Knowledge of English and Russian Languages;
- MS Office
Additional information:
- 5 working days;
- Medical Insurance;
If you are interested in this position, please, apply to the vacancy by “Send CV” Button
ადამიანური რესურსები
HR მენეჯერი,
სამოტივაციო სისტემების სპეციალისტი,
კომპენსაცია/ბენეფიტების სპეციალისტი,
ტრენინგის და განვითარების სპეციალისტი ,
პერსონალის შერჩევის სპეციალისტი/რეკრუტერი,
HR დეპარტამენტის ხელმძღვანელი,
შრომის კანონმდებლობის სპეციალისტი
ნახვები 232
უნიკალური ნახვები 206
გაგზავნილი CV-ები 6